Below you can take a look at the styleframes and find out which tobacco brand was meant. Just in case you couldn't crack every riddle on your own.

The big red dot hit every pin - Clearly "Lucky Strike". The next one is tricky. The fewest recognize the the potions holder as the silver X standing for "Elixyr".

The winged helmet on top of the most famous Gaul. Translate it to french and you´ve got "Gauloises". A red square on a chess field. Old, but not forgotten - "Karo".

A Camel and some pyramids. I don´t think I have to give a clue here. The next one is a hard one. Actually the blue color and the building itself are most important. The answer is "Parliament".

Last but not least the three leaves from the original logo and a diamond to give a hint. "Juwel" is the right answer. I hope you could guess a few right and had fun with this little animated riddle.